We want you to be happy with your purchase!

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, we are here to help. This policy outlines the eligibility requirements and process for requesting a refund and Replacements.


  • You can request a refund & replacements for most items within 14 days of purchase.
  • Items must be returned & replacements in their original, unopened, and unused condition with all tags attached.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns or offer refunds for for broken or used items.
  • Proof of purchase (receipt or order confirmation) is required.


Reasons for Return/Replacement

  • Incorrect item received: If you received an item that is different from what you ordered, we will gladly send you a replacement or issue a full refund.
  • Damaged item: If your item arrives damaged, please contact us immediately. We will arrange for a replacement or a full refund.
  • Defective item: If your item malfunctions within the warranty period, we will offer a replacement or a full refund, depending on the nature of the defect and availability of the item.


How to Request a Refund or Replacement

  1. Contact us: Before returning any item, please contact our customer service team by email at  or by phone at . Let us know the reason for your return and the order number associated with the item.
  2. Return instructions: We will provide you with a return shipping label (if applicable) and instructions on how to return the item.
  3. Return package: Carefully pack the item in its original packaging, if possible. Include a copy of your receipt or order confirmation with the return.

Processing Time

  • Once we receive your returned item(s), we will inspect them to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria.

You will receive a notification email confirming the refund and the amount credited back to your original payment method.